Low Charge Ammonia Solutions from Azane. The four key benefits.

Traditional industrial ammonia users have grown to appreciate the natural efficiency of ammonia, the longevity of industrial quality, and the reliability of sound design and quality manufacturing.  Likewise, “freon” users are used to the flexibility of air-cooled systems without the risk of dangerous quantities of ammonia and the associated regulatory burden.   Both types of users have the opportunity to enjoy the best of both worlds with the uniquely designed Azanechiller and Azanefreezer packages offering the following key benefits.

Future Proof

Azane packages use Ammonia which is a natural refrigerant that has been used for over 100 years.  Ammonia will  never be phased out due to environmental concerns like those that result in ongoing restrictions and bans on synthetic refrigerants like “freon” or HFCs.

Azane packages are also built in an ISO 9000 facility to a full industrial specification ensuring maximum years of service under strong demands without major component replacements.

Risk Reduction

Azane packages employ a fraction of the ammonia charge compared to traditional ammonia plants and often only contain a few hundred pounds of ammonia per system.  This eliminates the risk of “worst case scenario” refrigerant leaks and also bypasses OSHA and EPA regulations in the form of traditional Process Safety Management (PSM) and Risk Management Plan (RMP).

However, Azane packages are not critically charged systems and therefore maintain a level of refrigerant sufficient to maximize not only the efficiency of the system, but also the reliability of the cooling.


Even the most efficient systems can lose their efficiency very quickly once put into service due to a variety of factors.  These factors, however, have been deliberately engineered out of the Azane packages in order to ensure that the efficiency is the same in year 20 as it was in year 1.

Azane packages only use ammonia which is the most efficient refrigerant, is easy to maintain, and copes well with maintenance neglect.  Azane packages are either flooded or overfed with simple high side control and so maintain efficiency regardless of refrigerant charge fluctuations–unlike DX systems or other critically charged systems.  Azane packages are air-cooled and so are not subject to rapid efficiency loss due to improper chemical water treatment and evaporative condenser scaling.   Azane packages use condensers with large internal volumes and so are much more resilient to non-condensable gases as compared to water cooled plate condensers or microchannel condensers.  Azane packages do not use electric defrost nor do they use hot gas defrost valve stations which often destroy efficiency by leaking high pressure gas to the low side of the system.

Lowest Cost of Ownership

Because Azane packages are future proof, reduce risk, and are efficient for their entire lifespan, they offer the lowest cost of ownership.  Azane packages also do not consume any water or incur sewage fees like evaporative cooled or water cooled systems.  Furthermore, Azane packages are not part of the building fabric like a traditional machinery room, and so can be relocated at a facility or to a completely different facility as business needs change–preventing the additional capital expense of building new systems and abandoning old systems.